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Welcome to Dee's Dixie Indians' Days blogsite! I'm excited to create this site for the players, parents, families, and friends of the Dixie Indians. My goal is to create a site that gives everyone game updates and narratives, photos, videos, and calendars. Hopefully, this will allow families who are unable to attend games, to follow the events through the Internet. Most importantly, I'd like this site to be a place for the boys to share in memories of being part of the Dixie Indians Family. Also, some parents have mentioned that you tried to post a comment on the blog. I think there's a problem with the script for my site that is causing it to not let you post your comments. So if you want to e-mail me a comment at then I'll post it for you (sorry).

For those new to the Dixie Indians, we are in our 5th year of being a traveling comp baseball team from the St. George, Utah area. Most of the boys on the team started when they were eight or nine years old. They are now age twelve and thirteen, playing in the 13 and under divisions.

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